Fukuoka Airport Official Website


Fukuoka Airport Wi-Fi Service

Wi-Fi Connection Services
About the Facilities

At Fukuoka Airport, wireless LAN internet is available for you to connect to the internet.

Settings & Specifications

1.) Wireless Lan Specifications: Wi-Fi standard compliant, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac compliant

2.) ESS-ID: "AirportFreeWiFi-2.4G" "AirportFreeWiFi-5.0G"

3.) WEP/MAC Filtering: Not used

4.) Usage: Free of Charge

Terms of Use

  1. Communications are recorded.
    (If criminal activities are suspected, the Airport may provide information to investigative authorities.)
  2. Wi-Fi is free to use, but please be aware that any charges incurred on the web are the sole responsibility of the user. 
  3. In some cases, device incompatibilities and technical issues may prevent access.
  4. Fukuoka Airport does not rent out or sell computers, so you must bring your own device in order to use the service.
  5. It is the user's responsibility to install any necessary software or configure any necessary settings in order to use the service.
  6. Please refrain from communicating via wireless access points (routers).
  7. The Airport shall not be held liable for any losses or damages incurred through the use of the service.
  8. While using the service, please obey all rules relating to Japan's Act on the Prohibition of Unauthorized Computer Access. (Act 128)
  9. Data transferred between your device and the wireless LAN is not encrypted.

How to Connect

STEP 1: On your PC or smartphone, connect to one of the Wi-Fi networks (SSID) listed below.

  • ESS-ID①:AirportFreeWiFi-2.4G
  • ESS-ID②:AirportFreeWiFi-5.0G

 * Depending on your device's capabilities, you may only see ESS-ID①:AirportFreeWiFi-2.4G.

STEP 2: Open your internet browser.

STEP 3: Following the information on-screen, please agree to the terms of service, and click on the link shown to connect to the internet.


* You may not be able to connect to the service when visiting some shops and restaurants, or other areas that are out of range, as well as when the network is busy.